Products and Service

Tech Capacity

Manufacturing scale reactions:

■ Hydrogenation
■ Azide reaction
■ Hight pressure reaction
■ Low temperature reaction
■ Cyclization
■ Condensation
■ Esterification
■ Ozonization
■ Acylation
■ Grignard reaction
■ Oxidation
■ Methylation
■ Sulfonation
■ Amination
■ Chlorination

Specialized Technologies:

■ Continuous Flow Technology

■ Enzyme Biocatalysis Reaction

■ Asymmetric Hydrogenation


Process Capacity:

■ Process Information Collection(EasyMax and OptiMax)

■ Process Satety Data Collection(RC1 and DSC)

■ Inherent Safety and Reaction Type Extension (Flow reactor)

■ Process Analytical Technology (React IR and Focused Beam Reflectance Measurement)

Products and Service

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